0.1.7 - ci-build

EgdeEHG_IG - Local Development build (v0.1.7). See the Directory of published versions


Official URL: http://www.egde.no/ImplementationGuide/fhir.egdeehg Version: 0.1.7
Draft as of 2023-03-24 Computable Name: EgdeEHG_IG

Egde Health Gateway FHIR Facade Implementation Guide

This document is a FHIR IG for the Egde Health Gateway (EHG) defining the FHIR facade for standard data interchange. This IG is the generic product level implementation. It is typically customised where necessary for customer implementations.

The API is for a Patient app where the patient context is set using the Smart App Launch framework.

The FHIR Facade API exposes the following resources and operations:

General Profiles

The following profiels are usually used directly by customer implementations of the Egde Health Gateway.


  • GET – Patient/[id]
  • POST - Patient The Patient resource (ehg-patient-no) is based on the Norwegian no-basis-patient profile. The Patient ID must be either FNR (fødselsnummer) or DNR (D-nummer).

SMART Apps Launch Framework is used as an authentication method for allowing other healthcare systems access to your health data through a web API. It’s based on OIDC and requires the support for a launch context that defines the scope of access to resources.

The following launch context will be used:

  • patient/*.rs
  • patient/*.w


  • GET – Practitioner/[id] The Practitioner resource (ehg-practitioner-no) is based on the Norwegian no-basis-practitioner profile. The practitioner ID must be either FNR (fødselsnummer) or HPR (helsepersonelnummer).

    Organization and Address

  • GET - Organization/[id] Two Organization profiles are defined.
  • ehg-organization-norway isd based on the no-basis-organization profile for use where organizations are Norwegian and can provide an Id from the Norsk Helsenett (NHN). An ID is not enforced but Norwegian clinics are identified by name and organization ID cromn the Enhetsregisteriet (ENH).
  • ehg-organization-international is used for other organizations such as laboratories outside Norway.

ehg-address-no is used for Norwegian addresses confiorming to the no-basis profile for Organization and its derivatives.

  • GET – Consent/[id]
  • POST - Consent

Consent resource (ehg-consent-no) for Opt-in and Opt-out are available. The only consent type supported is LOINC code #59284-0 “Patient Consent”. The policy refers to Normen (norm for informasjonssikkerhet og personvern i helse- og omsorgssektoren) for the provacy policy.

DocumentReference and Attachment

ehg-DocumentReference-Norway and ehg-Attachment are used for Norwegian documents that are categorised by the Norwegian document reference types. It refers to Volven 9602 Dokumenttyper.


ehg-Goal defines must support fields for implementations using Goals.

Profiles for further customization


  • GET – DiagnosticReport/[Id]
  • GET – DiagnosticReports/subject?=patient The ehg-diagnostic-report defines only key fields that must be supported by EHG implementations containing DiagnosticReports.

A customised example of this can be found in the Tigeni IG.


The ehg-specimen defines only key fields that must be supported by EHG implementations containing Specimen.

A customised example of this can be found in the Tigeni IG.


Observations are generally not defined in the Egde Health Gateway general level since they are usually specific to a customer implementation. The EHG Observation (ehg-observation) definition defines what elements should be supported by an API connecting to it.